Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. (Jeremiah 1:9)
I was reading in Jeremiah yesterday and came across this verse. I don't know how many times I have read it before, but for some reason, it really struck me this time. Jeremiah was resisting God, he claimed that he was too young and that he did not know how to speak. I sometimes feel as though I do not know how to speak. My husband has a way with words, and with people. He always knows just the right thing to say, and I feel as though I am always fumbling over my words clumsily. I find myself finishing a conversation or a lesson and comparing myself to how my husband might have handled the same thing. My words are not eloquent and they do not flow smoothly. But this verse was a reminder to me, it's not about eloquent wording. It's not about long prayers, praying in front of people is something I do frequently and also something I find the most frightening. It's really about the heart of it all. If I am really serving God and seeking his will. If my deepest desire is to please God and to share his love with others, then no matter how much I think I can't do something he will equip me for that. I mean, isn't that how God works? He asks us to do things that we can't do on our own, we have no choice but to truely trust him and give him all the glory. It's not about me and how utterly self concious I usually feel. It's about God, sharing his love and bringing glory to his name.
Renee, I feel like you are reading my mind. I can't tell you how much reading that someone else understands how I feel helps me.