Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Looking out for me

I have many roles that I juggle and balance on a daily basis. I am a wife, mother, youth pastor, dish washer, driver, house cleaner, laundry folder, cook, baker, and the list goes on, and on, and on. Some of the tasks I enjoy more than others, and some of those tasks are far more important. However, there is one role that I did mention, a role that should take presidence over everything else, and yet somehow, sometimes, it becomes the last thing on my list.

No more! It's not okay and it's not acceptable. I am looking out for me.

I am a daughter of the most gracious, wonderful, loving Father, I am a child of God.

I have forgotten my place. I have gotten busy and been doing and doing and doing some more. I am worn out and tired. I am drained, I have forgotten.

I have made a point to take a change, my day begins with the number one role on my list, child of God. I get up early, before my kids and sometimes before my husband, I grab my Bible and a cup of coffee, and I start my day off with my Father. Nothing gets me through a crazy busy day better than his words. I attend a Bible Study once a week, a Bible Study for me. I do not lead, I am in charge, no one there knows I am a pastor. There I get to be daughter. I get to drink in his love and grace for me. I get to be filled. I get to look out for me.

And then, I get to take my filling and pour it out into my other roles, into being a loving wife and mother, and being a youth pastor filled with God. How can I be for others if I'm not first looking out for me?

Are you looking out for you? Do you fill yourself with the love of Christ so that you can then pour it out on others?

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